Key West Fish Species

Spanish Mackerel

Spanish Mackerel

Spanish Mackerel are aggressive, opportunistic carnivores that will readily hit baits or artificial lures and provide an exciting fight with many high-speed runs and jumps. Spanish Mackerel (Scomberomorus maculatus) (Florida Record 12lbs.) Spanish Mackerel are medium-sized fish that are important as a major commercial and sportfish species worldwide. They have a long, narrow body that […]

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Tripletails are not well-known Key West game fish, but they are hard fighters, excellent table fish and fun to catch. Tripletail (Lobotes surinamensis) Introduction (Florida Record 40lbs. 13oz.) The Tripletail is also known to fishermen by names like flasher or steamboat. It has a compressed, deep body with a triangular-shaped head, a large mouth, and […]

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Wahoo are magnificent game fish famed as one of the fastest pelagic fish. They are elusive, relatively difficult to catch and delicious. Wahoo (Acanthocybium solandri) information (Florida Record 139lbs.) The Wahoo is one of the fastest fish in the sea, and it is highly prized by sport fishermen for its speed and high-quality flesh.

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White Marlin

White Marlin

The White Marlin is a smaller member of the Marlin family that is most often caught while fishing for Mahi-mahi on Key West deep sea fishing trips. White Marlin (Kajikia albida) (Florida Record 161lbs.) The White Marlin, also known as the Atlantic White Marlin, is the smallest member of the Marlin family, about 1/3 larger […]

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Yellow Jack

Yellow Jack

Like other members of the jack family, Yellow Jacks are hard fighters when hooked, running fast and pulling hard. Yellow Jack ( Carangoides bartholomaei) Introduction The Yellow Jack is member of the Caragidae family, which includes Jacks, Pompanos, Jack Mackerels and Scads. Yellow Jacks have the solid, elongated and vertically compressed body shape typical to […]

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Yellowfin Tuna

Yellowfin Tuna

The Yellowfin Tuna is a delicious, hard-fighting fish that is sometimes caught when fishing deep waters off the Florida Keys. Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) (Florida Record 240lbs.) The Yellowfin Tuna is one of the larger Tuna species and often reaches weights in the 100-pound range. Yellowfin are prized for their sashimi-grade meat and are often […]

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Yellowtail Snapper

Yellowtail Snapper

Yellowtail are fun on light tackle, the action is fast once they start biting and they are a favorite eating fish. Yellowtail Snapper (Ocyurus chrysurus) (Florida Record 8lbs. 9oz.) The Yellowtail Snapper, a beautifully colored and abundant member of the Snapper family, is one of the most popular and commonly caught Key West game fish.

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Key West Key West Fish Species Overview

Planning to fish in Key West? Get information here about fish species you can see during a Key West fishing charter with Fish Key West. For more info on what's biting during your visit, be sure to check out our Key West Fishing Season Guide.

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